How to Cite
Fajardo Montoya, C. (2011). Cuban-foreigner marriage. Some controversial issues in regulation and juridical practice. Jurídicas, 8(1), 45–58. Retrieved from


Camelia Fajardo Montoya
Universidad de Oriente


Marriage, a social institution of Family Law, is not totally isolated from other fields from which it can be studied including Private International Law with which strong links are established since there are not borders for love and couple relationships, and it is completely legal that two people from different countries make marriage official, regardless the great legislative divergence in its regulation for each Country, because it is a figure marked by the traditions, customs and idiosyncrasy in each country. Marriage with foreigners regulation in Cuba has peculiar treatment. For making marriage official, the fulfillment of special requirements is demanded which has been the object of multiple controversy even more lately when there has been a considerable increase in marriages between Cubans and foreigners. It is then pretended to carry out a critical analysis of the Cuban legal regulations controlling these marriages in order to determine its regulation deficiencies, its incidence in law practice and the peculiarities of its treatment in Cuba.

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