How to Cite
Carreño Bustamante, M. T. (2011). Research, a competence for the law student. Jurídicas, 8(2), 107–118. Retrieved from


María Teresa Carreño Bustamante
Universidad de Manizales


Starting in 2009, ICTES in Colombia started a restructure of the higher education programs evaluation process called PRUEBAS SABER PRO, which obviously includes the Law Programs in the country As part of this process and through a group of experts, the generic competences in which all university students would be evaluated were established and guidelines to establish the specific competences in some undergraduate programs including the areas of administration, health and law were determined, considering these programs supply the greatest number of evaluatees nationally. This article comes from the research process carried out for the establishment of those competences and makes reference to the research competence because of its relevant importance in the development of the training processes in Law. A brief introduction, planning of the competence concept as well as, associated performances with investigative and prospective research competences in the Law Programs will be presented in this article.

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