How to Cite
Siqueira Garcia, D. S. (2013). The minimum ecologic existencial: The constitutional guarantee for a minimum level of environmental quality for a decent and healthy life. Jurídicas, 10(1), 31–46. Retrieved from


Denise Schmitt Siqueira Garcia
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI -


The Principle of Sustainability directing the topics dealt with in the social dimension of such Principle is the theoretical focus of this article. This being the case, it all started from the approach about what would be that social dimension, reaching the conclusion that it consists of the social aspect related to the human beings’ qualities characterized as human capital. It is not possible to talk about social guarantee without bringing an approach to inherent and necessary rights to every human being for them to have survival conditions and, consequently, environmental conscience, hence the minimum existential was also dealt with. The article ends with emphasis relating the Principle of Sustainability social dimension and its prevision in the 1988 Federal Republic of Brazil Constitution. The main purpose of this investigation was to analyze the aspects that orient the Principle of Sustainability social dimension and the questions that guided it were: Which is the importance of the Principle of Sustainability social dimension for environmental protection? Which is the theoretical support of that social dimension? And lastly, is there a legal prevision in Brazilian legislation about this topic? The methodology used was the inductive method carried out using bibliographic research techniques, referent techniques, basic categories and operational concepts.

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