DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2015.12.1.5
How to Cite
Patiño-Arango, A. . (2015). How to make law with words. Jurídicas, 12(1), 59–77.


Alejandro Patiño-Arango
Universidad de Caldas


From our birth we find a multiplicity of situations ranging from our natural state, to our social status and from there to the political state. Although each of these situations appears normal, each is governed by different contexts. These correspond to three states: nature, social and legal-political.

In this article how the Law is made with words will be shown. This idea is presented through Austin’s performative theory that Olivecrona applies to the legal language. This means that to develop any type of institutional agreement, prior to this agreement, the linguistic pact is essential as conceived by Hobbes in The Leviathan. However, in building the institutional pact, a language governed by rules as conceived by Searle is also necessary to analyze the institutional rules, rules that are fundamental to the legal language.

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Searle, J. (1969). Speech Acts. An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

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