DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2018.15.1.2
How to Cite
Moreno-Ortiz, L. J. ., Guzmán-Gómez, C. ., & González-Quintero, R. . (2018). Case law analysis of constitutional res judicata. Jurídicas, 15(1), 9–27.


Luis Javier Moreno-Ortiz
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Perfil Google Scholar
Camilo Guzmán-Gómez
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Perfil Google Scholar
Rodrigo González-Quintero
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Perfil Google Scholar


One of the most controversial manifestations of the phenomenon of constitutionalization of law is the constitutionalization of res judicata. The constitutional res judicata has displaced res judicata as a definite element of a dispute through instruments such as the writ of amparo against judicial rulings. It has affected the scope of the competence of judicial courts such as the Council of State and it has been introducing a more flexible institution which admits exceptions in the abstract control of constitutionality such as the living Constitution, and in the writ of amparo with its exceptional ruling against the judgment of writ of amparo.

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