How to Cite
Sierra Porto, H. (2008). Justice administration in the privatized welfare law—governed state. Jurídicas, 5(1), 189–207. Retrieved from


Humberto Sierra Porto
Honorable Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Universidad Externado de Colombia


The constitutional contemporary context implies a rethinking of the classic principle of division of powers and by this means a new division of competences between the legislative, executive and judicial branch. And it is precisely this fact that determines a rethinking of the judges’ activity in our states. Moreover, it should be noted that the new constitutional realities indicated here have as their main reference point the Colombian constitutional state. This can be redundant, but this cannot be a distraction in the sense that the reality described is common to Latin American countries, with variations in quantity and intensity, but they all share the same transformations. The text is structured in a simple manner, beginning with a contextual location of the state organization and constitutional state, to then make a non—exhaustive listing of the consequences of these transformations for execution of the inherent duties and responsibilities of justice administration. The final part focuses on raising a brief reflection on some of the major challenges for judges and justice administration in this context.

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