How to Cite
Cifuentes P., M. R. (2008). The justice of collective identities, beyond the redistribution–recognition dilemma. Jurídicas, 5(2), 123–138. Retrieved from


María Rocío Cifuentes P.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This article is mainly concerned with justice regarding collective identities. For such purpose, the article starts off indicating the contemporary discussion between social theorists of different tendencies –liberals, conservatives, socialists and communitarists—that have originated the redistribution–recognition dilemma and the ideas about justice that it implies. The article argues that a plural concept of justice is necessary regarding collective identities. First off, it explores the notion of social injustices; then the article proposes the possible ways to solve them. Finally, it shows several characteristics of a plural concept of justice, mainly taking into account the ideas of Nancy Fraser, Iris Marion Young and Axel Honneth.

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