DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2022.27.2.15
How to Cite
Coime España G, Vergara Jiménez LM, Reyes Narváez MF, Quintero Mora RG, Giraldo Osorio R. Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards sex education of adolescents. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(2):203-21. Available from:


Gisella Coime España
Universidad Santiago de Guayaquil
Lina Marcela Vergara Jiménez
Universidad del Sinú
Perfil Google Scholar
María Fernanda Reyes Narváez
Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Indígena Juan Tama Inzá
Perfil Google Scholar
Rubén Guillermo Quintero Mora
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
Rubiela Giraldo Osorio
Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó Diego Luis Córdoba
Perfil Google Scholar


Sex education (SE) since schooling has been a topic of interests with diverse variations before biological, moralistic and preventive positions, in addition to those with an integrative and rights axis. The attitude of educators towards sexuality represents a component that can influence the teaching of SE, reason why the objective of this research was to describe the scientific evidence regarding attitudes related to SE in teachers of secondary education
institutions. Materials and Method: An exploratory systematic review of the scientific literature published in the world was carried out, using the keywords school teacher, sex education and attitudes in English, Portuguese and Spanish from 2003 to 2019, through a search in the SciELO, Scopus, Cinhal, Ovid and BVSL databases and in reference articles. They were evaluated by two authors independently using tools from the Joanna Briggs Institute. Compliance with 70% of the criteria to be evaluated was established as a measure of rigor. Results: A total of 13 articles passed the rigor assessment, eight qualitative and six quantitative, from Europe [1], Southeast Asia [3], South Africa [6], North America [1], South America [1] and Australia [1]. The studies show that aspects such as culture, gender, knowledge, methodologies, values and prejudices of the teacher constitute conditioning factors of the attitudes of teachers towards SE. Conclusions: it is evident that the key to a better SE is good teacher training and the understanding of all the actors in the community to avoid myths and others. 

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