DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2022.27.2.11
How to Cite
Lopera Uribe GE, Villa Vélez L, Castaño Pineda Y, Betancurth Loaiza DP, Peñaranda Correa F, Escobar Paucar GM, Bastidas Acevedo M, Gómez Correa JA, Vásquez Velásquez AM, Bolívar Buriticá WA. Systematization of a systematization: learning about the method. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(2):144-60. Available from:


Gloria Elena Lopera Uribe
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
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Lilliana Villa Vélez
Universidad de Antioquia
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Yeferson Castaño Pineda
Universidad de Antioquia
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Diana Paola Betancurth Loaiza
Universidad de Caldas
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Fernando Peñaranda Correa
Universidad de Antioquia
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Gloria Matilde Escobar Paucar
Universidad de Antioquia
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Miriam Bastidas Acevedo
Universidad de Antioquia
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Jaime Arturo Gómez Correa
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Ana María Vásquez Velásquez
Universidad de Antioquia
Wilson Antonio Bolívar Buriticá
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: to present the learning of a systematization as a method, for the construction of knowledge based on the experience lived by the researchers of several projects on parenting education in the field of public health carried out in the rural settlement of Granizal, Antioquia, during the period 2013-2019. Materials and method: the systematization of experiences was used and the participants were the researchers. It began with the organization of the materials, the field diaries of the thematic research circles and reports of the meetings of the research team and community actors. It was continued with the elaboration of a matrix with the historical recovery. And, finally, reflections, categories and relationships emerged from the group for the theoretical construction of the overall vision. Results: the theoretical proposal of the systematization and the procedures to implement it are presented, guided by five moments: living the experience, formulating a systematization plan, recovering the lived process, the background reflections and the arrival points. Four features of systematization stand out: creative research; research based on a process of collective construction; learning from practice and building knowledge; and as a transforming scenario of this research and of those who carried it out. Conclusion: the “systematization of the systematization” allowed raising awareness of the research praxis itself. It shows the understanding of the group on conceptualization and methodology of this research perspective. It transcends the collection and organization of the information of the process lived to the extent that the reconstruction of the experience is a broader understanding that transforms the practice of the subjects involved. 

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