Knowledge of the feeding process allows the design of specific programs on food and nutritional security for different social groups, as is the case of indigenous communities that deserve a differential approach. Objective: to understand the experiences of the Curripaco indigenous people settled in the Tierra Alta reservation in relation to the feeding process and the meaning they give to it. Methodology: qualitative study with an ethnographic approach and techniques such as participant observation and semi-structured interviews for collecting information. Results: the following emerging categories were obtained: obtaining food, with the subcategories the conuco, the river or pipe and the jungle; food preparation, which includes the process from the time when the food is obtained to the final dish; special foods, with two subcategories, sacred foods and forbidden foods; and serving the food which includes, among other things, the temperature of the food and the hierarchical order within the family group to serve it. Conclusion: the preservation of ancestral practices related to the feeding process is an important element that has contributed to the conservation of the health of its members over time, so that it is necessary to tend to protect these practices and include them as an essential component of health promotion in the food and nutritional security plans that are developed in the territory.
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