Health promotion (HP) is a pillar of public health for the improvement of living and health conditions. However, the health promotion evaluation is a theoretical-practical field with incipient developments in permanent construction. Objective: The objective of this study was to provide elements to update the health promotion evaluation debate between the years 2005 and 2015. Methods: A state-of-the-art documentary research was conducted -from a thematic review of 23 databases- after defining the conceptual and comprehensive descriptors related to health promotion, health promotion evaluation and positive indicators in health promotion. A total of 49 publications with emphasis on the evaluation of health promotion were selected for analysis. Results: three health promotion evaluation trends were configured: realistic evaluation aimed at assessing the contexts and theories that underlie the action; participatory evaluation that highlights the participation of all the actors involved in the interventions; and impact evaluation aimed at identifying processes and results tending to health promotion effectiveness and overcoming health inequities. Conclusions: Despite the progress, there are challenges to the health promotion evaluation such as the approach from a complex perspective of both, interventions and evaluation; the development of evaluation models that allow the effective empowerment and intersectoriality; and the problematization of evidence as the guiding axis of effectiveness in health promotion.
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