How to Cite
Vidarte Claros JA, Quintero Cruz MV, Herazo Beltrán Y. Effects of physical exercise on functional fitness and stability in older adults. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2012 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];17(2):79-90. Available from:


José Armando Vidarte Claros
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
María Victoria Quintero Cruz
Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla
Yaneth Herazo Beltrán
Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla


Introduction: Aging reduces the autonomy and independence of older adults. Physical exercise helps to  improve muscle mass, stability and aerobic resistance in older people. Objective: To establish the effects of  physical exercise on functional fitness and the risk of falls in a group of older adults. Materials and  Methods: Quasi-experimental study with group control and experiment in 38 adults over 60 years old.  Intentional non-probability and random sampling was applied, considering inclusion and exclusion criteria.  Functional capacity was evaluated using the Senior Fitness Test battery and risk of falls was evaluated using  Tinetti falls efficacy scale before and after the exercise program, which was applied during 12 weeks to the  experimental group. Results: The main changes in the experimental group were obtained in waist  circumference from 91.89 to 88.95 cm; strength in upper extremities from 17,16 to 20.63 repetitions;  flexibility in the upper body from -8.24 to -5.66 cm; and aerobic endurance from 70,32 to 83.47 steps;  balance increased from 13.95 to 15.26 points. Conclusions: The results suggest a significant association  between aerobic exercise and the decrease in the waist hip index and waist circumference, the increase of  strength and flexibility of the upper extremities, aerobic capacity, balance and self-confidence to walk  around the neighborhood as an older adults group.

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