How to Cite
Moreno Cubillos CL, Sepúlveda Gallego LE, Restrepo Rendón LF. Discrimination and gender violence at Universidad de Caldas. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2012 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];17(1):59-76. Available from:


Carmen Leonor Moreno Cubillos
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luz Elena Sepúlveda Gallego
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luisa Fernanda Restrepo Rendón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: the aim of this study was to characterize and evidence acts of discrimination and gender violence  occurring among the members (professors, students, and administrative staff). of the Faculty of Health  Sciences at Universidad de Caldas,, Colombia. Materials and Methods: this is a descriptive, prospective and  cross-sectional study, conducted between the second semester of 2010 and the first semester of 2011, with a  primary source of information and sample randomly selected. Results: the questionnaire was completed by  292 students, 88 professors and 18 administrative employees. It was found that 64.6% of the population had  been a victim in one of the studied events: discrimination because of physical appearance, origin, gender,  social-economic status, sexual orientation and religion; verbal, physical and psychological aggression; abuse  of authority; harassment in the workplace; threat or intimidation; sanction or punishment; blackmail;  teasing, compliments, or obscene gestures; exclusion; sexual harassment and rape. 50% of the employees  referred the antecedent of at least one of these facts, as well as 40.9% of professors and 72.6% of students.  The types of violence reported more frequently by the University community in general were: abuse of  authority (36.9%), teasing, gestures or obscene compliments (26.9%), verbal aggression (23.4%),  psychological aggression (22.1%) and discrimination because of physical appearance (12.3%). Conclusion:  the results demonstrate the existence of the studied problem within the community of the Faculty of Health  Sciences and support the need for interventions from the University welfare and authorities view points. 


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