How to Cite
Ávila-Morales JC, Bareño-Rodríguez A ., Jairo Castro-Jerez JC-J ., Rojas-Ortiz YC. Comparative analysis of the managient and control of a group of diabetic patients with reference guides. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 28];20(1):36-48. Available from:


Juan Carlos Ávila-Morales
Adriana . Bareño-Rodríguez
Jairo Castro-Jerez . Jairo Castro-Jerez
Yineth Catherine Rojas-Ortiz


Objective: To perform a comparative analysis of the management and control of a group of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, belonging to a promotion and prevention program in Bogotá, regarding the program management guide and recommendations documented by other societies at the national and international level. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from the medical history of patients. It was determined whether the evaluated parameters to control their disease were the necessary ones and were being applied correctly. Results: The 412 resolution documents, the ALAD guide (2013), the PAHO guide (2013), the ADA (2014) Guide and the IDF (2006) guide were analyzed. Then, 274 histories were reviewed, analyzing the hysical examination parameters, paraclinicals and other variables (cardiovascular risk, self-care, knowledge of the disease, psychological state). It was evidenced that the control of the physical exam aspects that mark the progression of the illness and the microvasculature damage are overlooked as well as the behavioral, cultural and informative character interventions (promotion of healthy lifestyles, learning of self-care measures, phychological stability). Differences in control values of praclinicals in the revised guides have been also observed. Conclusion: Variation in evaluation parameters, follow up and disease control in each guide have been observed, taking into account the different populations and being necessary that the guides are adapted considering the characteristics of Colombian people as far as their epidemiological profiles and health determinants.

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