How to Cite
Marín Mejía F. Effects of therapeutic dance on work related stress control in 25 to 50 years old adults. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];16(1):156-74. Available from:


Fabiana Marín Mejía
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: to comparatively evaluate the effects of therapeutic dance on the control of productive stress and the diminishing of stress levels on adults having an active working life. Materials and method: a longitudinal type experimental study that considered a non-probabilistic sample of 30 people classified in three research groups: 10 people who attended the therapeutic dance program, 10 people who performed regular physical activity different from dancing or therapeutic dance, and 10 sedentary executives. Ivanicevich and Matteson's questionnaire was applied to diagnose the level of work stress, and Lamb's test of stress signs was used to determine the signs and symptoms of stress. Results: a high influence of therapeutic dance (99.99%) on stress signs is demonstrated which means that a dance therapeutic program influences positively the stress levels evidenced by the body. Its level of significance on conflictive roles was also evidenced: 99.71%; quantitative role overload: 99.94%; qualitative role overload 99.71%; and leader of the group influence and support: 99.97%. Conclusions: the results of the investigation confirm that stress can decrease with the regular practice of therapeutic dance or physical exercise; in general, the levels of stress decreased significantly in the experimental group. The exercise control group showed a marked tendency to remain constant with slight increases in certain categories related to working life stress. In the sedentary control group a significant trend towards higher levels of stress in most categories was found.

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