How to Cite
Vélez Arango AL. Towards a health system that guarantees the protection of the right: A social justice requirement. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];16(1):145-5. Available from:


Alba Lucía Vélez Arango
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: to examine in John Rawls' liberal egalitarian theory and in Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum's theorists ideology, elements favoring health protection as a necessary condition of social  justice. Methodology: philosophical research investigation. It critically examines the moral and political foundations that support the recognition of the right to health care as a requirement of social justice. It goes deeper into Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum's theories around the capacities concept on such as what people can be and do, and their assurance by the State as a social justice condition. Results: In his worry for avoiding societies in which differences become unfair, Rawls advances on an ideal of social justice as a principle of rational prudence applied to a collective perception of the group welfare, with the idea of reconciling values like equality and freedom to determine a set of primary social values which are presumed to be what any rational being wants. Sen and Nussbaum include health in the set of necessary capabilities for human development. Their approach is tightly linked to the human rights concept and to human dignity. Nussbaum prioritizes the health assistance need, central point in the protection to the right to health. Milton Fisk understands the concept of "health" as a public asset and that of "healthy society" as a social goal in which, society as a whole, must be committed. Conclusions: a call for a new social contract in which the nonnegotiable right to the protection of health is advocated, as part of an exercise of citizenship must be proposed. This wills agreement must bet on a fair health system as a matter of politics morality and on the right to health protection as the right to its conservatorship in such a way that it guarantees the citizen the establishment of minimum irreducible that make it possible for him to participate from the benefits of living in a society.

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