How to Cite
Franco Peláez ZR. Conscience, will, autonomy, responsibility in bioethics as ethics of care for a development which measures up human beings. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];15(2):110-24. Available from:


Zoila Rosa Franco Peláez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Introduction: this research develops the third part of the final report of the work that collects the proposals of the participants involved which are related with the necessary strategies to make daily conscience about the postulates that orient individual and collective elections, decisions, and actions in order to favor the quality of life as a sine qua non condition to obtain a well rounded and holistic human development which takes on the dignity and complete realization of human rights –especially fundamental human rights– as a guarantee for the exact fulfillment of the vital cycle stages and the goals established for the life expectations of each human being living on earth in the different human groups around the world. Objectives: to be aware once again of the Ethics of Care and Bioethics as humanistic paradigms in today's world in order to contribute to the harmonious human development with the circumstances proper to the present historic moment humanity is living. Methodology: qualitative research with focal discussion groups using directed oral open question interviews. Unit of work: Culture and Drugs Master's Program Students and undergraduate Social Work students from the Law and Social Sciences Faculty at Universidad de Caldas. Analysis unit: Texts taken from the transcription of interviews and focus group debates about the topic in the corresponding objective. Results: awareness of the attitudes and aptitudes assumed both in the human and environmental surroundings was taken, and there was reflection about the coherence among being, knowing, acting and saying from the consumerist social reality. Awareness about the defense of life and its quality, and about the self-care from the subjective, the inter-subjective, and the objectified points of view in the social and cultural practices and customs with the purpose of improving human development and of making it decent, starting with an adequate political education which allows to permeate, with public moral, both the citizens' rights and responsibilities.

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