How to Cite
Castaño Jurado AM, Franco Gallego SM, Muñoz Londoño J, Restrepo Cano DI. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2002 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];7:110-9. Available from:


Angela María Castaño Jurado
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Sandra Marcela Franco Gallego
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Jackeline Muñoz Londoño
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Diana Isabel Restrepo Cano
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


A qualitative study was carried out, Ten mothers were taken at random to do the study. all of them belong to the “comuna five’. The aim of (he study was to find out the beliefs and customs they take into account in regard to the newborn’s care. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to know how the newborn’s health was affected according to the beliefs and customs their mothers were using to suggest promotion and prevention strategies to be followed in this case. An open interview was made in which the mothers could express their thoughts and experience in relation to the topic. The most relevant findings were associated with greater presence of risk factors such as: • Breast feeding was not exclusive. • The mothers used bandages and others substances different from alcohol to clear the umbilical slump. • Lotion and talcum powder on the skin’s newborn were also used. The factors already mentioned are associated to a lack of knowledge when caring their babies, as well as to a certain kind of family pressure related to this task. In spite of the factors mentioned above, the mother accept and put into practice the health staff’s advice. In addition to that. some protective steps were found: • General hygienic habits related to the newborn’s care.  •A whole immunization sketch according to the newborn s age. The previous finding are useful since they lead the health staff to reinforce and improve the educational programs planned to be carried out to this population, in order to encourage it to be active participants in the programs designed by the health staff.

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