The work presents the meaning of the labor roll for the official workers of a university, with the purpose of understand that thinks and feels from his vision. After making 16 interviews, to men and women, codifying, to analyze and to interpret texts, the categories emerge: system of status, system of authority, labor moralities of the work, relations and socioeconomic context of the work. The moral meaning of the worker roll is based on the work as an instrument to satisfy necessities and fulfillment with an obligation imposed by the family and the society. This roll has under social status, although it is considered necessary by them, useful and with strengths like labor stability, fixed wage, collective convention and prestige derived from institutional and social status. The students undervalue its work and its human dignity; it is paradoxical to them that in a training institution does not rescue such dignity. There are problems in the control that are interpreted like autonomy in its work. In the labor relations the formality and the little social interaction predominate. In last, the official workers give different meaning to their labor roll, depending on the scope where they are: social, institutional and familiar; this meaning is determined by ideological, economic, social and ethical factors of the organization, those that influence their negative vision of the work; nevertheless through the familiar interactions they compensate partly the institutional and social subvaluation, obtaining a positive valuation of its work.
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