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Forero Santos JA. -. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2002 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];7:22-45. Available from:


Jorge Alberto Forero Santos
Universidad Católica de Manizales


The social marketing has obtained big progresses in the developed of the practice, but they are still insufficient in the aspect to discipline, for the new thing and because only up to now is looking with the enough academic depth. Records, generalities, approaches  to a definition of social marketing, the segmentation of the objective group and their variables, the definition of social product, some considerations on their use, characteristic, principles of the theoretical mark, challenges, tendencies to future and their articulation with the promotion of the health are put to consideration of the academic community for the debate and their reconstruction, for the sake of finding the solid arguments that consolidate it scientifically, conscience that in social sciences certainties neither final words don´t exist.  Although derived novel tool the commercial marketing, it has turned out to be the utilized strategy and recommended in the last decades by World Organization of the Health-OMS- , the Pan-American Organization of the Health-OPS-, the Foundation of the United Nations for the Defence of the Childhood-UNICEF- and the Conference of Ottawa to drift, to desing, yo execute, to control and to evaluate the projects, programs and education campaigns in promotion of the health and prevention of the illnesses for the positive results and the successes reached with their application.

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