How to Cite
Madrid, R. (2014). The moral friends and the methodological options for the concept of natural law. Discusiones Filosóficas, 15(25), 149–166. Retrieved from


Raúl Madrid
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


By using the example of a contemporary thesis (Engelhardt and moral friends), this paper seeks to analyze alternative ways to reformulate the natural law theory of the universality of law, within a framework in which all metaphysical grounding of the norms have been suppressed. Different ways are considered to fulfil this task: (i) to insist in direct grounding, as in the classic natural law theory, (ii) to replace ontological foundation by other kind of grounding (Finnis and neokantians), or (iii) to embrace contemporary hermeneutic theories, either by accepting an ontologically-based hermeneutics, consistent with classical natural law theory, or by searching contact points of the latter with poststructuralism.

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