How to Cite
Forero Mora, J. A. (2014). Between cartesian epistemology, and conceptual analysis. Remarks about the other minds problem. Discusiones Filosóficas, 15(25), 95–112. Retrieved from


José Andrés Forero Mora
Universidad de los Andes, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


This paper explores the other minds problem. The text distinguishes both the epistemological formulation and the conceptual one, and it concludes that the conceptual formulation, which leads to skepticism, rests on a wrong vision of the psychological language. For this purpose, the text is divided in three sections: in the first one, it examines the epistemological claim that is stated by the Cartesian tradition; in the second one, the text makes evident, based in some remarks of Wittgenstein's and Austin's, that the epistemological claim involves a wrong vision of the psychological language; finally, the paper shows that the conceptual claim does not give room to skepticism although it accepts an asymmetry between first and third person.

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