DOI: 10.17151/difil.2022.23.40.9
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Ruiz Pulgarín, Y. E. (2022). Between origin and belonging: considerations on Gadamer and Octavio Paz on the language of poetry. Discusiones Filosóficas, 23(40), 167–188.


Yulieth Estefanía Ruiz Pulgarín
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Perfil Google Scholar


This work is based on the premise that, in El arco y la lira Octavio Paz reflects on the poetic language that approaches in several aspects the hermeneutics of Hans-George Gadamer. Both authors argue that poetry is an original language that, due to its creative character, separates the 
reader from the daily relationships of the world and, at the same time, connects him with tradition. Poetry thus, becomes an experience of origin and belonging. Poetry takes the reader to what he has never seen before (experience of otherness and experience of the indeterminate), but it
also connects the reader with history and with the tradition that is present in every language. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to show the meeting points between the two authors who, from very different starting points, have reached approaches that are quite compatible with each 
other, which is explained, to a large extent, by the fact that they both have overcome the vision of language as a medium and have affirmed,
instead, the linguistic essence of poetry. 

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