How to Cite
Cescon, E. (2014). Zubiri and his critique of aristotle’s concept of nature. Discusiones Filosóficas, 15(24), 115–128. Retrieved from


Everaldo Cescon
Universidade de Caxias do Sul


Firstly it is intended to expose the Zubirian's ideas about the history of philosophy and apply this scheme to the analysis of the concept of nature. Secondly it analyzes what Zubiri meant by nature to light their idea of reality, as the Madrid's philosopher does not address the topic directly and thematically. Starting from your idea of reality and intelligence, the old distinctions between natural and artificial beings are unsustainable, including because we already have technology to produce artifically natural beings. Zubiri considers that the distinction between natural-artificial entity is preceded by another radically elementary: the distinction real thing/sense thing. Therefore, it analyzes what Zubiri meant by reality and how, from this perspective, are defined the concepts of nature and technique.

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