How to Cite
Leite Da Silva, B. (2011). Karl otto-apel: questions of ethics and foundations. Discusiones Filosóficas, 12(18), 155–172. Retrieved from


Bartolomeu Leite Da Silva
Ufpb. Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Contemporary ages showed an asynchrony between particular cultures and the new constitution of the global state that has taken place within the society of knowledge. The more is the expansion of technical and scientific possibilities the less is the influence that moral conceptions of particular groups play in the global scene. All natural intuitions of homo faber are affected by technological making that answers most rapidly and satisfactorily to the desires and needs of individuals, both biologically and sociologically. Thus, the attention to the technological feature seems to supplant the moral commandments that since ancient times oriented the action and the social life of persons.

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