How to Cite
González Agudelo, E. M. (2011). On the hermeneutic experience or about other posibility to build knowledge. Discusiones Filosóficas, 12(18), 125–143. Retrieved from


Elvia María González Agudelo
Universidad de Antioquia


The hermeneutic experience means an experience to do a research process that involves formation of the self. The hermeneutic experience is lived through the process, structure and procedure. The process is developed through prejudice, reflection, analysis, compression, interpretation and synthesis, which can invade the procedure and structure. The procedure addresses the problem, hypothesis, the history of concepts, the state concerned and the recollection of information, all with the aim of creating a thing with its own life. To this end, one tries to talk with the authorities, reach an agreement on the unity of meaning and legitimate it, while it is lived by others. Both the process and the procedure are moving in a structure that is manifested in the cycle of compression, growing concentrically, while is linking the whole to its parts in fusion of horizons.

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