How to Cite
Villamil Pineda, M. A. (2009). Phenomenology of the view. Discusiones Filosóficas, 10(14), 97–118. Retrieved from


Miguel Angel Villamil Pineda
Universidad de Caldas


This paper holds that the Western culture has been mainly visual and intends to make evident the way in which this perceptive paradigm conditions the look both of the world of things as that of the world of others. For this purpose, the difference between the eye as an organ and the look as an oriented vision is examined. In the same way, we try to examine in detail the constitutive elements of the look and how its attitude or orientation enables one to affirm or negate to others. Finally, the paper shows that the loving look allows for the transit from the coexistence to the intersubjectivity and from the mass to the community.

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