How to Cite
Alvarado Lozano, M. A. (2009). Nietzsche and his Zaratrusta: a musical experience. Discusiones Filosóficas, 10(15), 113–120. Retrieved from


Mario Andrés Alvarado Lozano
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


Dionysus needs Apollo to appear in human life, to be understood. The Drunk Song from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in the current state is bearable because of their appearance, once transformed into tragic Sober Song, will become a truly unbearable. This song is revealed as a happy lie and a truthful deceit because is pretends. Set up the way to see the sober reflection on Dionysus's face. There will be two conclusions of this article, the music switches eternally over the ideas and the thought of Heraclitus "The Dark of Ephesus" is true, from the child who plays is the kingdom. Before sing, the song must be transformed; the music starts to listen, the first mask falls down after that, the tragedy to stage. The transition from the bearable to unbearable, can only be call the "Fifth Gospel".

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