How to Cite
Moya, P. (2012). The union body-soul in Thomas Aquinas in dialogue with A. Kenny. Discusiones Filosóficas, 13(20), 255–270. Retrieved from


Patricia Moya
Universidad de los Andes


In this paper, some of the arguments advanced by Thomas Aquinas in the first part of Summa Theologiae are analized. I focus specifically in I, q. 75 a. 4 and q. 76 a. 1, in which Aquinas deals with the union between body and soul. My aim is to contrast the analytical interpretation of A. Kenny in Aquinas on mind, chapters 11 and 12, with Aquinas' arguments based mainly on metaphysical principles. Based on that, I try to respond to Kenny's objections and, at the same time, to clarify Aquinas' doctrine about the unity of the human person.


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