How to Cite
Seibt, C. L. (2012). Phenomenology hermeneutics, circularity and unconcealment. Discusiones Filosóficas, 13(20), 243–254. Retrieved from


Cezar Luís Seibt
Universidade Federal do Pará


This paper shows how Heidegger develops his proposal to overcome metaphysics, the opening for the event against the objectification possible by tradition, through a new vision of phenomenology linked to hermeneutics. It emphasizes the issue of presuppositions, regarding them as preconditions for the event of the world and the recognition of the entities. It gets the knowledge authentically in the hermeneutic circle and recognizes its potential. In the process of unconcealment of beings and preconditions, the horizon of being remains hidden. Both entities and preconditions of the event take place within the hermeneutic circle.

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