How to Cite
Martínez, M. (2007). Russell’s puzlesses, Frege’s solution and the causal theory of reference: An introductory guide to the classical debate of the theories of meaning and denotation . Discusiones Filosóficas, 8(11), 61–80. Retrieved from


Maximiliano Martínez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


According to Russell, a theory of denotation is succesful if it is able to solve this three puzzles:  i) identity in opaque contexts, ii) violation of the law of excluded middle and iii) true negative existential propositions. In this paper I will explain, first of all, why Russell thinks that Freges's theory cannot solve the puzzles. In order to do this, I will examine Frege's theory. Secondly, I will explore Russell's solution, focusing on his Description theory. Finally, while stating Kripke's and Putnam's criticisims to Frege and Russell theories, I will also outline Kripke's theory.

DEVITT & STERELNY. (1987) Language and Reality. GB: MIT Press.

FREGE, G. (1892/1999) ‘Sobre sentido y referencia’, en La búsqueda del significado (3ª ed). Madrid: Tecnos.

KRIPKE, S. (1981/1995) El nombrar y la necesidad. México: UNAM.

PUTNAM, H. (1975/1991) ‘El significado de ‘significado’, en La búsqueda del significado (1ª ed). Madrid: Tecnos.

RUSSELL, B. (1905/1966) ‘Sobre el denotar’, en Lógica y conocimiento. Madrid: Taurus.

________ (1919/1999) ‘Descripciones’, en La búsqueda del significado (3ª ed). Madrid: Tecnos.
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