How to Cite
Flores Quintero, D. T. (2007). Is incommensurability incomparability? . Discusiones Filosóficas, 8(11), 49–60. Retrieved from


Daian Tatiana Flores Quintero
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This paper Intends to explore what constitutive aspects are comparable in two incommensurable theories and what mechanisms we can use to do the comparison. Since the solution to the "problem of the incommensurability" that I intend to suggest here is framed within the structuralist perspective, the answer to my main question requires drawing a clear contrast between the standard view of science and the structuralist view of science. To achieve my ends, I shall outline the basic concepts of the thesis of incommensurability with the additional purpose of examining its problems. Likewise, I shall reconstruct Kuhn's two formulations of the thesis of incommensurability and I shall analyze the main objections raised against this thesis as well as some epistemological and onto-semantic consequences that are relevant to this discussion.

KUHN, Thomas Samuel. El camino desde la estructura. Barcelona: editorial Paidos, 2002.

KUHN, Thomas Samuel. La Estructura de las Revoluciones Científicas. México: Fondo de Cultura económica, 1998.

PEREZ RANSANZ, Ana Rosa. Kuhn y el cambio científico. México: Fondo de cultura económica,1999.

MOULINES, Carlos Ulises. Pluralidad y Recursión: Problemas epistemológicos. Madrid: Alianza, 1991.
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