How to Cite
Lenis Castaño, J. F. (2010). Social Pact and Liberty in Thomas Hobbes. Discusiones Filosóficas, 11(17), 239–254. Retrieved from


John Fredy Lenis Castaño
Universidad de Antioquia


This paper's aim is to dilucidate some of the anthropological-pedagogical implications of the pact that institutes the civil State, which is a concept that characterizes Thomas Hobbes' political theory. Such implications deal with, on the one hand, the educational sense of the law and its enforcement, and on the other, with the type of liberty that the citizens of the aforementioned State have. To achieve this, the following issues shall be discussed: the pact as a means for instituting the civil State, the educational sense of the State, the concept of civil liberty, and, finally, the ethics of the sovereign and the limits of the State.

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