How to Cite
Posada Ramírez, J. G. (2010). Criticisms to the causal approach of the action proposed by Harry Frankfurt. Discusiones Filosóficas, 11(17), 167–179. Retrieved from


Jorge Gregorio Posada Ramírez
Universidad del Quindío


My intention in this paper is to show that the Frankfurt's critique of what he determines causal historicism approach of the action is unjustified. A theory of the action that distinguishes the actions of the events from their causal history, does not mean that the explanation of the action moves itself to something that happened before the action, or that the action by itself, has to be neglected in its explanation. To demonstrate this, I show how the positions of Davidson and Searle, who are assumed by Frankfurt as causal historicist, although they are based on the notion of cause as essential to explain what an action is, it does not imply that we have to focus on something that happens before an action to explain it, or that the cause of an action is an event that necessarily precedes it.

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