How to Cite
Quesada Salazar, E. A. (2010). An approach to the dream analysis from Friedrich Nietzsche: Contributions and differences from Freudian psychoanalysis. Discusiones Filosóficas, 11(16), 177–194. Retrieved from


Esteban Adolfo Quesada Salazar
Fundación Universidad Central


The interest of this paper is to present an approach about theory of dreams by Nietzsche, particularly in what is called his illustrated period, and also suggest some relationships and differences from the analysis of dreams made by Freud. It is intended to reconstruct how Nietzsche's theory of dreams was developed as one subjectivity's theory composed by elements from anthropological analysis, physiological psychology and culture's theory; all what result in an ontological propose about the instinct and its natural history. In the context of this ontology of instinct, we intend to reconstruct the relationship between the concept of life and the concept of value by raising the question about value of dreams for life.

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