How to Cite
Sacchi, E. (2010). Pretenses: art, subjectivity and resistance. Discusiones Filosóficas, 11(16), 169–176. Retrieved from


Emiliano Sacchi
Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (IIGG), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICET)


In this paper I intend to show how it is possible starting with a rupture with the Platonic model of thought to give rise to a consideration of aesthetics and subjectivity as fields of politic experimentation. Such field of experimentation can be considered in the very core of Platonic work, out of the dispute that this maintains with the artist and that leads him to expel them from the polis. In this expulsion of pretense Plato intends to secure the good order of the city, to enclose art within the limits of mimesis and representation. This paper suggests to think about Art and Politics beyond representation because only overcoming Plato's condemnation, Art opens the field of resistance by which it introduces what is not presentable: the new.

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