DOI: 10.17151/difil.2016.17.29.11
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Ávila Vásquez, M. O. . (2016). Apocalypse, war and the western world. Discusiones Filosóficas, 17(29), 175–198.


Manuel Oswaldo Ávila Vásquez
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


One hundred years after World War I, the old continent is again under a state of shock comparable to the one that preceded this cruel conflict. This paper analyzes how this confrontation came to acquire apocalyptic dimensions and, in this way, it warns us that we may be going on this path again. The thesis proposed here is that at least four aspects converged there, namely, 1. The nihilistic propensity of the West; 2. The "natural" perversion common to all human beings, which was long suppressed by the moralistic society of the nineteenth century and, with the outbreak of the Great War; 3. In the conflict of 1914, the spirit of war empathizes with the soul of progress, finally; 4. The fact that in this struggle and, for the first time, contemporary terrorism (atmoterrorism) plays a determining role. I present these reflections based on the previous ideas of thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Sigmund Freud, Ernst Jünger, Peter Sloterdijk.

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