DOI: 10.17151/difil.2016.17.29.4
How to Cite
Del Corral Salazar, A. . (2016). Natural selection and evolutionary epistemology in the philosophy of K. Popper. Discusiones Filosóficas, 17(29), 53–64.


Andrés Del Corral Salazar
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales


This article reconstructs the development and the turns that the idea of Darwin's natural selection has had in the work of Popper. After doing this, I present a new interpretation of Popper on Darwinism as a change in the concept of evolution, conceived as a process that maintains the basic explanatory structure proposed by Darwin, that operates not only at the organic level but at different levels, linking his pluralistic conception of reality. Thus, I present Popperian evolutionary epistemology as a form of universal Darwinism.

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