DOI: 10.17151/difil.2017.18.31.8
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NAHUEL MARTÍN, F. . (2017). The theory of the Subject in Dialectica de la Ilustración: a rather unexplored Freudian trait. Discusiones Filosóficas, 18(31), 134–148.




In this article I tried to offer a reconstruction of the reception of Freud by Adorno focusing on the theory of the subject. The cognitive self, as I tried to show is, as such, the product of renunciation to immediate and full gratification. The Freudian psychic dualism (the conflict between the pleasure principle and the reality principle or between the ego and the libido) is reformulated by Adorno in terms of the non-identity between subject and nature. The subject is constituted by a mutation within the bosom of nature by virtue of which it remains in its bosom (it is a bodily subject linked to the natural being tormented by the impulse) and distanced at the same time from it (objectifying its internal and external nature from a process of renunciation to the immediate satisfaction of its impulses).

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Adorno, T.W. y Horkheimer, M. Dialéctica de la Ilustración. Madrid: Akal, 2007. Impreso. (Gesammelte Schriften Vol. 1. Fráncfort del Meno: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1973).

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Sherratt, Y. Adorno ́s Positive Dialectic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Impreso.

Whitebook, J. Perversion and Utopia: A Study in Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995. Impreso.
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