DOI: 10.17151/difil.2018.19.32.4
How to Cite
Ramírez-Gi, C. A. ., & Arrieta-Burgo, E. . (2018). The un-fulfillment of consciousness as an assumption of freedom: an approximation to the sartrean writings about the phenomenology of the image. Discusiones Filosóficas, 19(32), 47–64.


César Augusto Ramírez-Gi
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Enán Arrieta-Burgo
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


As a prelude to the theses that would be defended by Sartre in Being and Nothingness and in Existentialissm a Humanism, the article examines the ways in which an unfulfilled consciousness constitutes an unavoidable reading clue when attempting to understand later developments of Jean-Paul Sartre's philosophy. Thus, reading The Imagination and The Imaginary beyond the issue of image, will allow the reader to discover that the de-reification of consciousness is built as a onto-phenomenologicalf oundation for the full assertion of humanfreedom. Man is only, by definition, free, when he has nothing on his consciousness.

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