DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2024.29.37.9
How to Cite
Sy, A. (2024). Música para pastillas. Cultura Y Droga, 29(37), 187–196.



The book Pharmakon by Almudena Sánchez narrates the autobiographical experience of "depression" and her recovery through psychotropic drugs. We take the literary text as a narrative about the way in which these sufferings are expressed nowadays. In this sense, we consider the fiction as a source of hypotheses about health/disease, its cure and contemporary medicine.
Drugs and psychiatry appear in her narration as the means to inhabit and move through that sadness towards a possibility of thinking about something beyond death itself. With a frenetic and hilarious literary beauty, the book has an addictive rhythm, she manages to describe the deep sadness that has gone through her for more than two years, far from moralizing speeches and self-help.
The text is of interest to analyse the narrative of contemporary experiences about this condition, its attention and care, while mental suffering and the consumption of psychotropic drugs are becoming increasingly important as a global public health problem.

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