DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2024.29.37.3
How to Cite
Lima, N. S. (2024). The future of precision medicine in Argentina: an approach to the notions of risk and susceptibility. Cultura Y Droga, 29(37), 44–66.


Natacha Salomé Lima
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Perfil Google Scholar


One of the promises held by the advancements on the knowledge on human genetics is the possibility of avoiding future illness by: i) knowing the genetic background of the pathology; ii) determining individual susceptibility and its possible phenotypic expression; iii) intervening in the present by identifying subjects at risk, and more recently projecting possible intervent ions that, at a somatic or germinal level, allow the restoration of a lost “normality”. This work aimed to know the fields of application of precision medicine in Argentina by analyzing the continuities and differences with the paradigm of traditional medicine, giving special attention to the diagnostic moment and to the challenges posed by the new therapeutic alternatives. After identifying the contexts of the applications, the interviews with experts who work in the strategic areas of the health sector enabled learning about the current challenges in clinical settings and future developments. The results identified two cases that showed how the information provided by the genetic data is interpreted in terms of risk and susceptibility based on an analytical calculation of the identified pathogenic variants. It is concluded that the extension of massive sequencing practices operates in different levels in the different contexts analyzed. However, in some cases, the construction of genetic data as a key to health could lead to new determinisms.

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