DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.36.5
How to Cite
Bielli, A., Bacci, M. P., & Bruno, G. (2023). Contemporary pharmacological subjectivities: Lucía, an existence on the limit. Cultura Y Droga, 28(36), 107–127.


Gabriela Bruno
Universidad de la República
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This paper aims to problematize the issue of subjectivity that unfolds and transforms in the encounter with pharmaceuticalization processes and that has been identified with the emergence of a "pharmacological subject". As a methodological strategy, the narrative of Lucia, a participant in qualitative research carried out in Montevideo between 2015 and 2017 in which the meanings of the consumption of anxiolytic psychotropic drugs were investigated, is presented and analyzed. For this purpose, the elaborations of psychoanalysis about discomfort in culture, the subject and enjoyment are used with the purpose of giving a new twist to the criticisms that are made from this territory to biological psychiatry and psychopharmacological technology. The results show how the consumption of psychotropic drugs is intertwined with the life of the protagonist, with the questions she asks herself about the cause of her discomfort and about herself, with her fantasies, desires, doubts, and hesitations. It is concluded that, in contrast to the disappearance of the subject announced by psychoanalysis, the processes of pharmaceuticalization, even in the insufficiency of
the drug and the biomedical discourse they use, offer new opportunities to become a subject and to articulate desire, which are established not without contradictions and even at the limit of existence.

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