DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.35.10
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Marcial Jiménez, R. (2023). Living the “turbulent infinity”: the immanence of mescaline in the plastic work of Henri Michaux. Cultura Y Droga, 28(35), 212–231.


Rodrigo Marcial Jiménez
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
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The article addreses the presence of the psychoactive substance called mescaline in the writing and plastic work of Henri Michaux. He is one of the most interesting and controversial writers and plastic artists of the 20th century, hence the importance of seeing his relationship with the non-ritual but experiential consumption of said substance. The personal experiences of Michaux with mescaline, and how this becomes an imprint of his work, are specifically addressed. The methodology used includes a general and historical review of his most representative works, as well as recovery of what other authors have said regarding his creative work. The objective is to try to understand, identify and examine the communicating vessels between mescaline, the writing, paintings and drawings of Michaux. The most important findings point to the exploration of alterity and experienced otherness as key elements in the work of this artist which would have an inescapable relationship with the consumption of mescaline.

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