DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.35.8
How to Cite
Flores Palma, M. A. (2023). Psychedelic tourism and the resignification of the territories. The case of the northwest border in Guanajuato, Mexico. Cultura Y Droga, 28(35), 168–186.


Miguel Angel Flores Palma
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Perfil Google Scholar


Territories are a determining part of identities and culture but, at the same time, territories are also endowed with meanings by their inhabitants and visitors. This is how sacred places emerge worthy of pilgrimages and devotion. In the current context, new spiritual practices arise from the social needs resulting from cultural environments. Particularly, this research deals with psychedelic tourism and the implications of this practice in the northwestern part of the state of Guanajuato in Mexico. This area is visited during the summer by visitors looking for a hallucinogenic fungus commonly called "San Isidro" that grows in cow manure. This mushroom has psilocybin that causes altered states of consciousness in its consumers. Visitors usually eat it in this area designated for free-grazing cattle which is why there is no surveillance and it makes it easier for consumers to eat the mushrooms in the same place, in their pastures and hills. The area is part of the border between the state of Jalisco and the state of Guanajuato. This border has had various meanings as the border between drug cartels, as a cultural border between areas of the country and now no longer as a border but as a spiritual and psychedelic tourism place. Visitors to the area have redefined the territory as a result of their mystical experiences after consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms in the area, placing new spiritual attributes to these natural places product of the altered states of consciousness of psilocybin. The practice of psychedelic tourism, in addition to the socio-ecological impact, also has the ability to attribute magical symbolism in the territories.

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