DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.35.4
How to Cite
Fericgla, J. M. (2023). Psilocybin, fashionable therapy for the Google world. Cultura Y Droga, 28(35), 70–90.


Josep Mª Fericgla
Fundació Josep Mª Fericgla - Societat d'Etnopsicologia aplicada
Perfil Google Scholar


Clinical and therapeutic use of psilocybin has recently been proposed as an effective treatment for depression, PTSD, emotional blockage, addictions and other disorders. This assumption remains firm despite the fact that clinical trials, aimed at evaluating their effectiveness, are not showing results in line with expectations. Probably, such practice responds to a desire to change the prevailing perception of psychodysleptic agents, moving from the demonized image that was built during the War on Drugs to the idea of reduced clinical use that is being currently proposed by the pharmaceutical industry, which is also aligned with their economic interests. The paradigm of use of psychodysleptic agents that is being proposed by the medical community, focused mainly on the molecule and the dose, and ignoring the fundamental importance of context, is simply wrong. The therapeutic results of psychodysleptic agents will not be able to improve until the biographical moment of the subject and the general context and the ritual forms in which the therapy must be undertaken are included in said paradigm.

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