DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.35.2
How to Cite
González Romero, O. S. (2023). Wisdom and ritual of sacred mushrooms in Mesoamerica. Cultura Y Droga, 28(35), 21–49.


Osiris Sinuhé González Romero
University of Saskatchewan
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This research has examined the historical and archaeological evidence related to the ritual uses of sacred mushrooms in Mesoamerica, specifically in the ancient Maya, Mixtec, and Mexica cultures, based on the analysis of primary sources such as codices, sculptures and colonial manuscripts to achieve a better understanding of the worldview of indigenous peoples. It is an interdisciplinary study that required the implementation of various research methodologies such as iconography, historiography, ethnography, and hermeneutics. This research has been based on a philosophical interpretation of the cultural traits that allow mushrooms to be conceived as personified sacred entities, that is as beings with will with whom it is possible to communicate or as a means to contact the divinities, but also as a source of knowledge and wisdom. One of the specific objectives has been to take into consideration the ontological pluralism that underlies indigenous philosophies to better understand the knowledge of nature and the symbolism associated to rituals with psychoactive mushrooms. This article is part of broader research whose objective is to analyze, from an intercultural perspective, the sacred, therapeutic, and philosophical uses of mushrooms with psychedelic properties.

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