DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2022.27.34.7
How to Cite
Ramírez Ramírez, J. R. (2022). Narratives about drug use in childhood. Cultura Y Droga, 27(34), 146–171.


Juan Ricardo Ramírez Ramírez
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
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Drug use in childhood is an experience that marks a turning point in the life of a person and is associated with higher prevalence in the abusive use of legal and illegal psychoactive substances and poly-drug use during later stages of life. This research seeks to understand, from the analysis of the narratives of the participants, the meanings of drug use for 2 women and 6 men from Medellin, aged between 15 and 36 years who began their exploration with these substances between the ages of 6 and 11 years. From an interpretative paradigm, the narratives contained in the interviews with the participants were analyzed. They show the vulnerability of the child against the environment, the role of the family as a determining factor in the age of initiation into drugs, the meanings that psychoactive substances acquire at different times of life, the dynamics of consumption in different socio-economic strata, the stigmatization that accompanies the consumer and the experiences that derive from the first approach to drugs. It is understood that drug use during childhood is an experience that makes sense from the possibilities that these substances offer the child to mitigate the suffering that is part of their lives, to obtain gratifying sensations or experiences that are perceived as striking and transcendental.

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