DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2022.27.34.5
How to Cite
Lagunas Puls, S., & Boggio Vázquez, J. (2022). Estimation of Mexican cannabis production in seized areas, tariff classification and its export potential. Cultura Y Droga, 27(34), 90–122.


Sergio Lagunas Puls
Universidad del Caribe
Perfil Google Scholar
Juan Boggio Vázquez
Universidad del Caribe
Perfil Google Scholar


The objective of this research is to estimate the Mexican production of herbal cannabis and to identify the tariff codes that would need to be enabled to allow Mexico its trade internationally. In November 2021, six of the eight tariff lines with the possibility to classify cannabis were prohibited. Therefore, the recent reforms for recreational purposes, marketing and research are insufficient to promote the international trade of cannabis. This article presents the details to estimate the Mexican production of cannabis and the export potential for each tariff code. The results indicate that, if legally produced in the seized cultivation areas, up to 3.145 tons per year could be marketed, which would represent approximately the 7% of the expected participation in the world legal cannabis market by 2025.

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