DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2022.27.33.9
How to Cite
Guzmán Chávez, M. G. ., & Noyola Cherpitel, J. . (2022). Therapeutic potentials of peyote among non-indigenous people in Mexico. Cultura Y Droga, 27(33), 185–200.


Mauricio Genet Guzmán Chávez
El Colegio de San Luis A.C
Perfil Google Scholar
José Noyola Cherpitel
El Colegio de San Luis A.C
Perfil Google Scholar


The therapeutic use of peyote occupies a prominent place in healing circles and ritual contexts in different parts of the Mexican national territory. The objective of this article is to evaluate from a psychiatric and anthropological perspective the therapeutic benefits among non-indigenous members (men and women) of the middle class who consume it within the ritual format of the Native American Church. For this, the researchers relied on open and structured interviews to reveal disorders and risks due to drugs use, particularly peyote. Among the most relevant results found are: the construction of narratives in which a clear healing process is assumed in the change of habits and the type of social relationships. From the clinical point of view, 85% of the sample presented evident improvements to their previous situation. The findings allow highlighting the role played by a highly disciplinary ritual, as  well as the creation of affective and emotional ties between the group. New concerns push the broadening of the horizon of the study to corroborate these results. 

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